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Mounjaro ® (tirzepatide) injection
2.5 mg/5 mg/7.5 mg/10 mg/12.5 mg/15 mg
This information is provided in response to your request. Resources may contain information about doses, uses, formulations and populations different from product labeling. See Prescribing Information above, if applicable.
Can Mounjaro™ (tirzepatide) be used in combination with NPH insulins or premixed insulins?
Can tirzepatide be used in combination with NPH insulins or premixed insulins?
See important safety information, including boxed warning, in the attached prescribing information.
Use With Mix and NPH
There is no information on the use of tirzepatide in combination with NPH insulins or premixed insulins because this combination has not been studied.
Use With Insulin in General
Insulin use with or without concomitant therapy is associated with an increased risk of hypoglycemia.1
Patients receiving tirzepatide in combination with insulin may have an increased risk of hypoglycemia, including severe hypoglycemia.2
The risk of hypoglycemia may be lowered by a reduction in the dose of insulin.2
Inform patients using these concomitant medications of the risk of hypoglycemia and educate them on the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia.2
Enclosed Prescribing Information
1American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care. 2022;45(suppl 1):S1-S255. https://diabetesjournals.org/care/issue/45/Supplement_1
2Mounjaro [package insert]. Indianapolis, IN: Eli Lilly and Company; 2022.
Date of Last Review: September 15, 2022