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Forteo ® (teriparatide injection)
20-mcg daily dose in a 2.24-mL prefilled delivery device
This information is provided in response to your request. Resources may contain information about doses, uses, formulations and populations different from product labeling. See Prescribing Information above, if applicable.
How long can the FORTEO® (teriparatide injection) delivery device be used?
Teriparatide should only be used for a total of 28 days once the delivery device is used for the first time.
Detailed Information
Teriparatide should only be used for a total of 28 days once the delivery device is used for the first time.1
The teriparatide delivery device should be discarded after the 28-day in-use period, even if there is still medication left.1
If a dose is missed on a specific day, that day must also count toward the 28-day in-use period.2
Why Teriparatide Cannot be Used Beyond 28 Days
The teriparatide delivery device should not be used beyond 28 days even if it has some medicine left because
- it has been approved by the regulatory authority for 28 consecutive days of use
- the medicine contains preservatives which help protect against bacteria during the 28-day in-use period, and
- Eli Lilly and Company can only guarantee that the teriparatide delivery device is still safe to use or that the medicine will be effective up to 28 days of use.2
Enclosed Prescribing Information
1Forteo [package insert]. Indianapolis, IN: Eli Lilly and Company; 2021.
2Data on file, Eli Lilly and Company and/or one of its subsidiaries.
Date of Last Review: July 28, 2022