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Tauvid ™ (flortaucipir F18 injection)
300-3700 MBq/mL
This information is provided in response to your request. Resources may contain information about doses, uses, formulations and populations different from product labeling. See Prescribing Information above, if applicable.
How quickly is Tauvid™ (flortaucipir F 18) cleared from the body?
Tauvid (flortaucipir F 18) has a half-life of 109.8 minutes. Following intravenous administration, the drug was distributed throughout the body with less than 5% of injected F 18 present in the blood by 10 minutes after administration.
Clearance, Metabolism, and Excretion
Flortaucipir F 18 is radiolabeled with fluorine (F 18), which has a half-life of 109.8 minutes.1
Following intravenous administration of flortaucipir F 18, the drug was distributed throughout the body with less than
- 10% of the injected F 18 radioactivity present in the blood by 5 minutes following administration, and
- 5% present in the blood by 10 minutes after administration.1
The residual F 18 in circulation during the 80- to 100-minute imaging window was approximately 28% to 34% parent drug, with the remainder being metabolites.1
Clearance occurs primarily by hepatobiliary and renal excretion.1
Enclosed Prescribing Information
1Tauvid [package insert]. Indianapolis, IN: Eli Lilly and Company; 2024.
Date of Last Review: November 01, 2024