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Basaglar ® (insulin glargine) injection
100 units/mL
This information is provided in response to your request. Resources may contain information about doses, uses, formulations and populations different from product labeling. See Prescribing Information above, if applicable.
How should Basaglar® (insulin glargine) be stored?
Unopened Basaglar KwikPens should be stored in the refrigerator. Opened KwikPens should be stored at room temperature for up to 28 days.
Basaglar Dosage Form
In the United States, Basaglar® (insulin glargine) 100 units/mL is available as a 3-mL prefilled disposable KwikPen® containing 300 units of insulin glargine.1
Storage and Handling
Protect Basaglar from direct heat and light.1
Store the Basaglar KwikPen without a needle attached to prevent
- leaking
- blocking the needle, and
- air from entering the KwikPen.2
Store unopened Basaglar KwikPens in the refrigerator.2
Once in use, do not return the Basaglar KwikPen to the refrigerator.1
Do not use the Basaglar KwikPen after the expiration date ().1
Prefilled Pen, 3 mL |
Not In-Use (unopened) |
Not In-Use (unopened) |
In-Use (opened) |
Expiration date |
28 days |
Date on label |
28 days |
Abbreviations: Basaglar = Basaglar® (insulin glargine) 100 units/mL; Pen = KwikPen®.
Enclosed Prescribing Information
1Basaglar [package insert]. Indianapolis, IN: Eli Lilly and Company; 2021.
2Basaglar KwikPen [instructions for use]. Indianapolis, IN: Eli Lilly and Company; 2022.
Date of Last Review: January 25, 2023