If you wish to report an adverse event or product complaint, please call 1-800-LILLYRX (1-800-545-5979)
Humulin® Therapies
Humulin® R (U-100) (regular insulin human injection, USP [rDNA origin])
100 units/mLHumulin® R (U-500) (regular U-500 [concentrated] insulin human injection, USP [rDNA origin])
500 units/mLHumulin® 70/30 (70% human insulin isophane suspension and 30% human insulin injection [rDNA origin])
100 units/mLHumulin® N U-100 (human insulin [rDNA origin] isophane suspension)
100 units/mLThis information is provided in response to your request. Resources may contain information about doses, uses, formulations and populations different from product labeling. See Prescribing Information above, if applicable.
Is a savings card available for Humulin® R U-500 (insulin human)?
Assistance is available to qualified patients in paying for their medication.
Savings Card
Please visit https://www.humulin.com/savings-support.
Date of Last Review: August 28, 2024