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Emgality ® (galcanezumab-gnlm) injection
100 mg/mL, 120 mg/mL
This information is provided in response to your request. Resources may contain information about doses, uses, formulations and populations different from product labeling. See Prescribing Information above, if applicable.
What is the dose of Emgality® (galcanezumab-gnlm) for episodic cluster headache and how do I administer?
What Is the Emgality Dose for Episodic Cluster Headache and How is it Administered?
Emgality Episodic Cluster Headache Dosing
The recommended dosage is 300 mg injected subcutaneously monthly (every 30 days) at the onset of the cluster period, and then monthly until the end of the cluster period.
- The 300 mg dose is administered as three consecutive subcutaneous injections of 100 mg each.1
How to Administer Emgality for Episodic Cluster Headache
Your healthcare provider or nurse should show you how to prepare and inject Emgality using the prefilled syringe. Do not inject yourself or someone else until you have been shown how to inject Emgality.2
See the Instructions for Use on self-injecting Emgality that come with your prefilled syringe to use Emgality the right way.1,2
Emgality is injected once per month.1
Each Emgality prefilled syringe is for one-time use only. Do not share or reuse your prefilled syringe.2
Your healthcare provider may help you decide where to inject your dose on your body.2
Where to Inject Your Emgality Dose
You may inject the medicine into your
- stomach area (abdomen), or
- thigh.2
Do not inject within 2 inches of the belly button (navel).2
Another person may give you the injection in the
- back of your upper arm, or
- buttocks.2
Do not inject in the exact same spot. For example, if your first injection was in your abdomen, your next injection could be in another area of your abdomen.2
Agent: More information about injection sites is available in GLC424_INJECTION_SITE -- or -- refer to the full Instructions for Use if you receive more questions about galcanezumab administration
1Emgality [package insert]. Indianapolis, IN: Eli Lilly and Company; 2021.
2EMGALITY [instructions for use, prefilled syringe]. Eli Lilly and Company: Indianapolis, IN; 2019.
Date of Last Review: April 15, 2024