Medical Information
Lilly's Medical Information service provides medical information to healthcare professionals in the UK relating to Lilly products and their use. If you are unable to find the answer to your specific question, then please contact us directly.
To search for an answer to your question about a Lilly medicine, select the product and enter at least 2 relevant key words
Tips for searching:
• You have to select a product and type at least 2 words to activate the search
• Use only words that are specific to the information you are looking for
• Avoid typing questions or sentences
Please do not use this field to report adverse events or product complaints. Adverse events and product complaints should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard or search for MHRA Yellow card in the Google play or Apple app store. Adverse events and product complaints should also be reported to Lilly: please call Lilly UK on 01256 315 000.