Disease Education Resources
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Alopecia Areata
Alopecia Areata in Black Patients: Clinical Pearls presented by Dr. Victoria Barbosa
Dr. Victoria Barbosa provides clinical insights to educate dermatologists about special considerations in the diagnosis and management of alopecia areata in black patients.
Alopecia Areata in Black Patients: Module 1 - Traction Alopecia and Alopecia Areata
Dr. Victoria Barbosa shares clinical insights regarding traction alopecia and alopecia areata in black patients.
Alopecia Areata in Black Patients: Module 2 - Alopecia Can Be Multifactorial
Dr. Victoria Barbosa discusses how alopecia can be multifactorial and shares clinical pearls for dermatologists.
Alopecia Areata in Black Patients: Module 3 - Diagnostic Pitfalls in Alopecia Areata
Dr. Victoria Barbosa provides clinical considerations regarding two diagnostic pitfalls for alopecia areata in black women.
Assessing Alopecia Areata Patient Severity | Chapter 1: How Is Alopecia Areata Disease Severity Assessed Today?
Dr. Maryanne Senna discusses the Severity of Alopecia Tool (SALT) and the need for more comprehensive assessment of Alopecia Areata.
Assessing Alopecia Areata Patient Severity | Chapter 2: What is the Alopecia Areata Scale – AASc?
Dr. Brett King explains the Alopecia Areata Scale (AASc), a new clinical tool for evaluating Alopecia Areata.
Assessing Alopecia Areata Patient Severity | Chapter 3: How Does the Alopecia Areata Scale (AASc) Benefit Patients?
Dr. Brett King discusses the importance of comprehensive assessment in Alopecia Areata.
Assessing Alopecia Areata Patient Severity with Dr. Senna and Dr. King
Dr. Maryanne Senna provides an overview of current gaps in alopecia areata disease severity classification, and Dr. Brett King introduces the Alopecia Areata Scale (AASc) as a new multidimensional scale for clinical use.
Chapter 1: Unmet Needs in Alopecia Areata
This video animation summarizes the unmet needs of patients with alopecia areata.
Chapter 2: Mechanism of Disease of Alopecia Areata
This video describes the mechanism of alopecia areata through the four distinct phases of the human hair cycle.
Chapter 3: The JAK-STAT Pathway in Alopecia Areata
This video shows the JAK-STAT pathway in alopecia areata
Different Forms of Alopecia Areata
Dr. Chesahna Kindred, board-certified dermatologist, describe the alopecia areata and explain how it is different from other forms of hair loss.
This presentation summarizes the unmet needs and mechanism of disease in alopecia areata.
Resource for dermatologists that provides an overview of the Alopecia Areata Scale (AASc), a multidimensional assessment tool designed to more effectively and consistently evaluate the severity of AA in clinical practice.
Resource for dermatologists that provides photo representations of Severity of Alopecia Tool (SALT) scores in patients with severe Alopecia Areata.
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