Disease Education Resources
Explore our library of Lilly-created medical education resources.
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Implementing Biomarker-Informed Cancer Care in NSCLC
Walk through the treatment journey for stage IV NSCLC with key considerations to improve patient access to targeted therapies.
Minimizing Turnaround Time for Molecular Testing Among Patients With NSCLC
This video summarizes the infographic on barriers and solutions for minimizing turnaround time for molecular testing.
Reducing QNS Rates for Molecular Testing Among Patients With NSCLC
This video summarizes the infographic on barriers and solutions for reducing QNS rates for molecular testing.
Treatment Roadmap for Targeted Therapies in NSCLC
Explore the Let's Talk About Targeted Therapies in NSCLC treatment roadmap, overview videos, and discussion guides for helpful resources.
This slide deck provides an overview of NSCLC, how it is diagnosed, and currently available treatment options.
This infographic is intended to educate Health Care Providers on barriers and solutions for minimizing turnaround time for molecular testing.
This infographic is intended to educate Health Care Providers on barriers and solutions for reducing QNS rates for molecular testing.
This presentation reviews how to optimize testing and selection of first-line therapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
This workmat outlines how patient and tissue navigators may be able to help solve and prevent challenges commonly faced during the molecular testing process in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Patient Education Resources
Explore our library of patient based education materials to aid in HCP to patient interactions.